Who was Margaret MacDonald?
July 16, 2020Have You Been Lied To? This question is important, simply because it is something you need to study. The problem is most people will not question what they are taught. What is sad is most people will not even know they have been lied to or check what they are taught in churches. I can give you two questions and from those two questions I can determine if you are a diligent student of the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15), or a piece of chaff (Eph 4:14). Yes, I have written a book about the 7-years tribulation, and would like you to read it, BUT you do not need to read it if you have studied the Bible. But the fact is, most reading this will not be dilligent Bible Scholars, or ones that are willing to read the Bible. The fact is that most will try debase me or just say I am a heretic. But it is 'heretics' like Martin Luther (not King) who nailed the Ninety-five Theses to the door of the church in Wittenburg, and changed history. It is these people who claim I am a heretic, that are the ones that need to study the Bible, if they can answer these questions, and believe their answers are true. So what are the questions?
- How long is the Tribulation?
- Who confirms the covenant?
I have also added some hidden clues in the questions, and to the keen observer, will see them. They are the Capital 'T' in tribulation, and did not specify which covenant. Why did I do this because of my simple point, we have been so miss led that most will miss this. How have we been misled? Well, my book goes further into detail, but simply, if someone, like you, would pick up their Bible and a concordance (the ones that tell you all the words in the Bible and where they are found) and look up tribulation, and tribulations, they will see all of the occurrences. Then by looking at all the places they will see that whenever the Bible talks about tribulation, there is no mention of a seven year tribulation. What is more interesting is the fact that when one looks at a book like 'Things To Come' by J. Dwight Pentecost, and look to see when that book says there is a seven year tribulation they will only find the following, look at Daniel 9:27. Which says, to make he antichist,
"the “he” of Daniel 9:27 must have as its antecedent “the prince that shall come” of the preceding verse. Because this one is related to the people who destroyed the city and the sanctuary, that is the Romans, this one confirming the covenant can not be Christ, but must be the man of sin, spoken of by Christ (Matt. 24:15), by Paul (2 Thess. 2), and John (Rev. 13), who will make a false covenant with Israel. The fact that sacrifices and oblation continued after the death of Christ until the year 70 A.D. would point out the fact that it was not Christ who caused these sacrifices to terminate. It is interesting to note that the Lord, in that great eschatological passage dealing with the future of Israel (Matt. 24-25), speaks of a yet future fulfillment of Daniel’s"
This is fine to say, if grammar did not go totally against this, the 'people of the prince'. This is a preposional phrase, and if any good English student looks at this, they will see this. But let me know say this, here is what a grammar site says about it, from https://www.chompchomp.com/terms/prepositionalphrase.htm, it says "Sometimes a noun within the prepositional phrase seems the logical subject of a verb. Do not fall for that trick! You will never find a subject in a prepositional phrase. Did you catch that? I emphasised the important part. But let's say that is not the case, and for arguments sake we ignore the whole grammar rule. The second question I ask is about the covenant. Who confirms it. When on looks again at the Pentecost book, it says:
"In the “midst” of this Seventieth Week, evidently breaking his treaty, the coming prince will suddenly cause the Jewish sacrifice to cease and precipitate upon this people a time of wrath and desolation lasting to the “full end” of the Week (27)."
The (27) is relating to Daniel 9:27, and the only explanation I have is that for people believe the 7 year tribulation must also believe that it is a magical verse. Why do I say it is magical? Well, to me it says Jesus and that in the midst of the week, JESUS will confirm he covenant. But to the others, they believe it says A LOT more that is not there. So why am I saying this and am so sure, well here are just some of the verses that say Jesus is the one that confirms the covenant.
Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Heb 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
Now let's look at the ones that say that the antichrist confirms the covenant:
Insert Crickets Chirping
I know I am being silly with this but it is not there.
I challenge you to prove me wrong and take
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
So it is clear, you need to study to shew yourself approved UNTO GOD, not me, your pastor or anyone. Just you. Please prove me wrong. I promise I will listen to you and ask questions of you, just like the Bereans.
Act 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Did you catch that, They questioned PAUL, yes the one that penned some of the Bible (via the Holy Spirit), but was chosen, but they heard him, but then checked him with their scriptures. Just like I am asking you do to.
My last point is the reason I want you to do this, why? Simply because of this verse.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
There will be a falling away, and I know what the falling away will be, it will not be not for what you think it is, it will be because the 7-Year Tribulation is false and over 50% of Bible Believing Church goers believe and when they see that this is false, they will be destroyed, like I was when I studied this. I was lied to and it took me many years to keep looking and find the truth. This is my purpose, to help people see the truth. Do you want to know the truth?