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C lear your minds from the misconception of words spoken from opinions and not verses from the bible! With all the confusion you might have felt over the years as a Christian or a struggling believer, reading, “The Trouble With The Tribulation will be the help you need in finding the truth. Throughout history, people have turned to the bible for answers; only to hear opinions from others. It has always been our job as individuals to find out the truth for ourselves. Here’s the chance to do that. Have you asked yourself, what is the Rapture your waiting for? What Tribulations will you have to face and are you ready for it? Have you genuinely dissected verses like, Daniel 9:27, for yourself?
There is so much in the book of Revelation that should be seen by your own eyes. You won’t learn it listening to others. To those who have tried and failed to understand the Return of the Lord and what that means for you, The Trouble With The Tribulation, will supply you with verses from the bible that leave out the opinions you’ve heard, since you stepped inside a church. When the Lord comes, you want to be ready and not clouded by what you’ve heard. Learning about the Lord should be done with inner teaching and feelings, depicted through the verses you read in the bible. It’s never too late to start understanding the truth spoken in the bible. Grab this book and don’t delay. You don’t want to miss out on a better future! .

Are Your Ready For Truth?
T his book pulls no punches, but just spills the truth. No opinions here, just facts. And just like they say, "if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen." The Bible is clear on one fact, and that fact is there is no 7 year tribulation.
When I found this out, it was not easy to swallow, but when I tried to disprove this discovery, all I found out was the more I looked the more I proved it. See what I discovered today.