Is There Really a Seven-Year Tribulation?
April 17, 2020
I Wish We’d All Been Ready
June 21, 2020What is your biggest conspiracy theory?
Before I answer the question I would like to confirm some things. There is a reason for this, is to make sure we are on the same page. First, what is a conspiracy? A conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit an unlawful act or to accomplish a lawful end by unlawful means (https://www.britannica.com/topic/conspiracy). But I would also like to add that a crime is an action or activity that, although not illegal, is considered to be evil, shameful, or wrong. (https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/crime). I added this as I wanted to make sure we were clear on what I am about to reveal. I would also like to add, even if the person who commits the crime, could be willing or unknowingly committing a crime.
So if a conspiracy is an act between two people, then we can assume that the two could be aware or unaware of what they are doing, and why they are doing it. They could have just acted in a way for a reason and we are unaware of it. They committed a crime, and the reason is not revealed. So what does this have to do with my answer? Simple, the answer will upset some people. The year was approximate, 1820 and a man named John Nelson Darby concocted a theory that there would be a 7 year tribulation period in the future. He took the ramblings of a lady by the name of Margret McDonald and twisted them to fit scripture. The facts you will see are easy to follow but for most people who believe a 7 year tribulation period, impossible to swallow, I know because it took me years to undo the lies I was told. Why do I say lies, well let’s start with the facts.
The problems with believing a 7 year tribulation period in the future.
You have to twist English grammar to say ‘he’ in Daniel 9:27 is antichrist, when grammar declares ‘he’ is Jesus, big problem, not good when you say Jesus is Anti-christ, or just confusing who is who. There is no proof of a covenant in the bible that is made by antichrist or beast, yet Jesus confirmed a covenant with many in a number of places There is no tribulation period that last 7 years in the bible, however, there is a period of tribulations, which started after the death of Christ. There are many more proofs, check out www.thereturnofjesus.org, but there is also one other point to consider, all these facts lead to the point that if they lied, that is an issue, but what about one fact that this is a perfect crime, well was. If you were an investigator and enter a crime scene that looks like a suicide, and if all the evidence points to suicide and no extra research is done, then the crime would be perfect especially if the death was not a suicide at all. This is what is happening in Baptist circles across the USA and the world, A LIE, and people just believe what they are told. The responses I heard and continue to hear is you cannot argue with the Bible, even if the evidence points to the contrary, or why argue with the facts, even if they are opinions. The problem with this is not that we believe the Bible but the fact that we believe a lie, and no one is wilting to find out the truth (except a few that are willing to seek the truth. But what is worse is that this issue is so easily accepted as truth when it is clearly a lie.
So when you think of conspiracy theories, one of the best ones ever is this one, the fact that most Baptist churches teach a 7-year tribulation, they will sing songs that declare Jesus is mistaken for the antichrist, and are not aware of this implication.
One of the biggest concerns is not that this is a conspiracy but the fact that most will read this and write it off as another lunatic that has a hidden agenda. No, Truth and Facts is the only agenda, and if only one person reads this and decides to find me in error, I would be happy. Please feel free to contact me and show me where I am wrong. I DARE YOU (in a joking tone, but with a serious look of please check it out and prove me wrong, please). I will listen to you.
One point to consider, I recently was talking to a British Preacher and asked him about what he believes and what most British churches believe on this subject. His answer was two-fold, he first said that I need to be careful of who I talk to about this in the US churches because this topic is taboo, if you can disagree on almost anything, but not the 7-year tribulation. He then said that most churches in the UK believe in a post-millennials position or Amillennialism, both of which do not hold a 7year tribulation, why is this? Well, the 7year tribulation position started in 1830 and started from one Bible, and I am not talking about the Bible text, but the notes, can you guess who’s Bible it was?
So I leave you with this, a perfect conspiracy or crime is one that would be where the people do not ask questions, they also accept what they are told without doing their own study, and dare not question when the truth stops and where the opinions start.
This is a conspiracy theory that has the British laughing at how they started a lie and the US churches believing the lie and most British actually probably have no idea how bad it got. I guess whoever started this conspiracy did a real number on the Baptist church.
Originally Posted at https://www.quora.com/What-is-your-biggest-conspiracy-theory
So if a conspiracy is an act between two people, then we can assume that the two could be aware or unaware of what they are doing, and why they are doing it. They could have just acted in a way for a reason and we are unaware of it. They committed a crime, and the reason is not revealed. So what does this have to do with my answer? Simple, the answer will upset some people. The year was approximate, 1820 and a man named John Nelson Darby concocted a theory that there would be a 7 year tribulation period in the future. He took the ramblings of a lady by the name of Margret McDonald and twisted them to fit scripture. The facts you will see are easy to follow but for most people who believe a 7 year tribulation period, impossible to swallow, I know because it took me years to undo the lies I was told. Why do I say lies, well let’s start with the facts.
The problems with believing a 7 year tribulation period in the future.
You have to twist English grammar to say ‘he’ in Daniel 9:27 is antichrist, when grammar declares ‘he’ is Jesus, big problem, not good when you say Jesus is Anti-christ, or just confusing who is who. There is no proof of a covenant in the bible that is made by antichrist or beast, yet Jesus confirmed a covenant with many in a number of places There is no tribulation period that last 7 years in the bible, however, there is a period of tribulations, which started after the death of Christ. There are many more proofs, check out www.thereturnofjesus.org, but there is also one other point to consider, all these facts lead to the point that if they lied, that is an issue, but what about one fact that this is a perfect crime, well was. If you were an investigator and enter a crime scene that looks like a suicide, and if all the evidence points to suicide and no extra research is done, then the crime would be perfect especially if the death was not a suicide at all. This is what is happening in Baptist circles across the USA and the world, A LIE, and people just believe what they are told. The responses I heard and continue to hear is you cannot argue with the Bible, even if the evidence points to the contrary, or why argue with the facts, even if they are opinions. The problem with this is not that we believe the Bible but the fact that we believe a lie, and no one is wilting to find out the truth (except a few that are willing to seek the truth. But what is worse is that this issue is so easily accepted as truth when it is clearly a lie.
So when you think of conspiracy theories, one of the best ones ever is this one, the fact that most Baptist churches teach a 7-year tribulation, they will sing songs that declare Jesus is mistaken for the antichrist, and are not aware of this implication.
One of the biggest concerns is not that this is a conspiracy but the fact that most will read this and write it off as another lunatic that has a hidden agenda. No, Truth and Facts is the only agenda, and if only one person reads this and decides to find me in error, I would be happy. Please feel free to contact me and show me where I am wrong. I DARE YOU (in a joking tone, but with a serious look of please check it out and prove me wrong, please). I will listen to you.
One point to consider, I recently was talking to a British Preacher and asked him about what he believes and what most British churches believe on this subject. His answer was two-fold, he first said that I need to be careful of who I talk to about this in the US churches because this topic is taboo, if you can disagree on almost anything, but not the 7-year tribulation. He then said that most churches in the UK believe in a post-millennials position or Amillennialism, both of which do not hold a 7year tribulation, why is this? Well, the 7year tribulation position started in 1830 and started from one Bible, and I am not talking about the Bible text, but the notes, can you guess who’s Bible it was?
So I leave you with this, a perfect conspiracy or crime is one that would be where the people do not ask questions, they also accept what they are told without doing their own study, and dare not question when the truth stops and where the opinions start.
This is a conspiracy theory that has the British laughing at how they started a lie and the US churches believing the lie and most British actually probably have no idea how bad it got. I guess whoever started this conspiracy did a real number on the Baptist church.
Originally Posted at https://www.quora.com/What-is-your-biggest-conspiracy-theory